Урок мужества «Сталинградская битва: как это было…»

В канун памятной даты, со дня разгрома Советской армией немецко-фашистских войск под Сталинградом, в Толстомысенской поселенческой библиотеке прошел урок мужества «Сталинградская битва: как это было…». На мероприятии присутствовали старшеклассники Толстомысенской школы №7. Библиотекарь рассказала ребятам историю великого сражения: важные периоды Сталинградской битвы, героические подвиги советских солдат, историческое значение этой победы. Для глубокого погружения в событие ребятам были показаны отрывки уникальной хроники военного времени. В ходе урока подростки узнали, как разворачивались боевые действия Сталинградской битвы, смогли понять и прочувствовать героизм и трагизм тех страшных дней и познакомились с книжной выставкой «Подвиг Сталинграда бессмертен». С каждым годом всё дальше в историю уходит Великая Отечественная война, но в нашем сознании навсегда сохранится глубочайшая память о великом подвиге, который совершили советские люди в огненные сороковые. В 1942 году у стен Сталинграда решалась судьба всего цивилизованного мира. Великая Сталинградская битва, которая продолжалась шесть с половиной месяцев, закончилась 2 февраля 1943 года победой советских войск.

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    The Sanderson Farms Championship and Country Club of Jackson had previously combined to provide a happy hunting ground for first time PGA Tour winners, with each of the first six renewals here going to such players. Though over the last two years, with the 2020 edition going to Sergio Garcia and Sam Burns claiming the trophy last year, we’ve seen an end to that run. Burns’ victory early in the fall swing last year was his first of three during the 2021-22 PGA Tour season. Entering this week at No. 12 in the Official World Golf Ranking (OWGR) the defending champion is a heavy favorite for the 2022 Sanderson Farms Championship at The Country Club of Jackson. Historically, the tournament was played opposite one of the Majors or a WGC event and was deemed an “alternate event” on the PGA Tour. However, since 2019 the tournament was elevated to a full-field, stand-alone event on the Tour. The winner receives the full benefits of a regular PGA Tour event, with 500 FedEx Cup points and an invitation to The Masters.


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    I feel like the last line of the article is the most important, this was all in mixed games. I don’t know how accurate High Stakes DB is, but according to them Ivey’s played less than 1.5k NL hands under «Polarizing», and is down less then 450k in that game. Nobody knew who was behind the ‘Noataima’ online poker account, but after joining the circuit in 2006, he lost $7 million. The World Poker Tour has made another huge splash with the signing of arguably the greatest overall poker player of all-time — Phil Ivey — as its newest ambassador. Black Friday was the day when everything changed. On April 15th the U.S Department of Justice unsealed a 52 page indictment against top executives at Pokerstars, Full Tilt and Absolute Poker, as well as a civil complaint against those companies.


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    Codenames online takes the popular word game and transforms it into one of the best virtual board games. Very similar to the board game version, players will break into groups and attempt to communicate with one another, all while keeping their conversation secret from the opposing team’s players. This game can be played with strangers, local friends, or people from all around the world.   Never Have I Ever is an easy game option for meetings because there is no prep work needed. The game topic is also adaptable for any subject or situation. The goal of Never Have I Ever is to end up with the least number of points at the end of the game. Players take turns saying something they have never done. For example, “Never have I ever gone skydiving.” Players who have gone skydiving get one point. The person with the least number of points at the end of the game wins. You can adapt the game to fit any theme, including only allowing work-related answers like “Never have I ever worn pajama pants on a video call” or “Never have I ever answered my personal phone using my work greeting.”


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    It doesn’t sound like Sega’s back catalog falls entirely into this definition. Utsumi also mentioned incorporating cloud gaming and NFTs into Sega’s vision of Super Game. Obviously, Microsoft’s Azure can help with the cloud gaming portion, but NFTs might not work out so well in Sega’s grand plan. 2023 Hypebeast Limited. All Rights Reserved. Those who grew up in the 1990s were treated to some amazing arcade racers. Classics such as Daytona USA and SEGA Rally Championship are undeniably some of the best racing video games ever made. Jet Set Radio, first released on the Dreamcast then remade for the Xbox and subsequently re-released on all kinds of more modern hardware, was a standout game on a standout console, featuring a synthesis of music, graffiti and skating that even 20 years later few (if any) games have been able to match.


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    There are plenty of bonuses at Prism Casino! A newbie player must know that each Prism Casino bonus has its code and that code should be entered when making a deposit. Pokies slots make the majority of casino Prism games. The library features about 201 games, but RTG keeps developing new games, so you can expect it to grow every quarter. Some of the popular Prism casino slots on the site include Texan Tycoon, Goblin’s Treasure, Hockey Hero, Three Stooges, Cleopatra’s Gold, Cash Bandits, etc. All slots are available for mobile and desktop players and come with premium-quality graphics. You can also play demo slots for free. Casino Prism games are also rendered in a 3D quality, so you won’t miss anything. You can explore Prism Casino instant play on the web version or use the download Prism Casino app. Prism also works across Android and iOS devices. One great thing about the casino is you’ll find information about everything you need to know, including the types of games and how many they’ve got, bonuses, terms, licensing, and more. Nonetheless, its overall design can be better.


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    Double Bonus Poker is the lowest version of the game that pays one coin on two pair. That is because all four of a kind hands pay double in this game when compared to standard Bonus Poker. Kickers are not a concern in Double Bonus Poker. The best version of this game returns 100.17%. It is offered by many Las Vegas locals and rural casinos. There are coin game versions of Double Bonus Poker in downtown Las Vegas and in the locals market there.  Many gamblers believe that video poker machines are a waste of time and money and instead, they head straight to the slots to try their luck. But the truth is very different – video poker games may not be as colorful and flashy, but they have proven to be far more generous to the player than slot machines. In fact, video poker is one of the very few casino games, the other one being blackjack, where players have a real opportunity to win more than they lose.


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